Manbaul Khairath Mosque

This religious centre was founded in 1976 as a very small mosque and its reconstruction works are underway. The following events are carried out:

a)      Annually remembrance of Birthday of Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is celebrated.
b)      During the occasion the history of life of Holy prophet (pbuh) is preached.
c)      Over 5000 participants are offered almsgiving during the ceremony.
d)     It is worthy to mention that lots of non-Muslims too take part in these celebrations as this mosque is adjacent to the boundary of area of Kattankudy town

 Manbaul Khairath Holy Qur’aan School

This school was established in 2001 and it mainly focuses on the following activities:
a)      Preaching Islamic basic and primary Education.
b)      Teaching children to read the Holy Qur’aan correctly and methodically.
c)      Providing children with training on moral values.